Postlight Pledges Funds to Support Voter Rights
"Effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny."
#205 The Anti-RFP: Paul and Rich on the RFP Process
Paul and Rich discuss the value of the long and arduous RFP processes
Postlight’s 2019 Year-End Giving: The Nonprofits We Love
The charities we supported in 2019.
Postlight’s 2018 Year-End Giving: Our Big List of Nonprofits
Our favorite charities in 2018.
#109 Computing is Everywhere: Bret Victor and Dynamicland
Our co-founders sit down with Bret Victor, creator of Dynamicland.
#102 Venturing Into America’s Prison Problem: A Conversation with Chris Redlitz
Chris Redlitz talks about curbing mass incarceration with venture capital.
#85 Building a Digital-first Foundation
Glenn Otis Brown of the Obama Foundation tells us about digital tools for citizenship.
#72 Bringing Military Veterans to Tech
Our co-founders talk to Jerome Hardaway about his nonprofit organization Vets Who Code.
Going Deep on a Checkbox
Notes on online charity donations.