Open Source
#262 WordPress and Beyond: With Matt Mullenweg
WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg on the future of open source
Mercury Reader for Chrome: Now Even Better
The browser extension that clears the clutter now supports more sites.
Introducing Glide: GraphQL for Salesforce
Postlight's new, free engineering toolkit modernizes Salesforce API access with GraphQL.
Put a Saddle on It
He-Man's Battle Cat is a metaphor for digital product development.
#159 It’s Good to Be the Idiot: A Conversation on 3D and Diving into New Technology
Paul and Rich discuss Blender and the importance of unlearning old habits
Introducing Postlight’s Lorem Ipsum Generator Generator
Create a lorem ipsum generator based on any web site content.
Mercury Goes Open Source!
The engine that parses meaningful content out of web pages is now open source.
#62 Helping Millions of Programmers
We talk to Laurie Voss about managing the world’s largest software registry.
The Street View From the Cheap Seats
Thoughts on maps.