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Design Elephants: What We Still Need To Talk About | Safety

Designing for the most at-risk users.

October 5, 2021 | Zoom

Event Recap

“How will our products harm people?”

As tech workers, we don’t often ask this question—but we should. Too often, we design for an ideal circumstance that doesn’t account for the complicated personal dynamics our users bring to the table, including dangerous lived realities such as domestic violence. And when we fail to design for our most at-risk users, we end up unintentionally prioritizing their abusers.

To lead us in digesting this topic, Postlight is excited to host Eva PenzeyMoog, the author of the newly released A Book Apart volume Design for Safety. Eva will show how every day tech can easily be weaponized for abuse, and how to prevent and mitigate that harm through a specific design strategy of prioritizing our most vulnerable users.